False Percula and Featherduster


New Member
Hey Gang!
I have 2 False Percula in my 38 gallon reef tank. They seem to get along fine albeit from a distance. The larger of the two seems to have made it her mission to harass my featherduster.
Everytime the featherduster comes out of it's tube, the clown makes a kamakaze attack into the center of the featherduster's crown. Any suggestions? I've tried moving the featherduster around in the tank but the clown finds it after awhile and resumes the onslaught...:help:


Just a thought, maybe your perc thinks the FD is a host. I have 3 FD, 2 of which are out just about all the time and the third pulls into his tube if I even come near the tank. So some can be sensative. Maybe the FD, like some corals that percs also try to make home, doesn't like your fish setting up camp. :notsure:


New Member
could be...this clown is really a "clown". It wallows in the frogspawn, then wallows in the brain coral, then picks at the featherduster, all the while completely ignoring the green bulb anemone!


Typical...:rolleyes: you get the anemone just for him, and he would rather spend the day in your frogspawn, or whatever the case may be. Silly little guys, if only they did what we told them!