False Percula and Flower Anemone


Is it possible that my clown will host to this flower? I have a long tenticle in there now but just added the flower anemone yesterday. I'm hoping it will host to one of them but so far no luck on the long tentical one. I know a carpet anemone is good and so is a bubble tip but right now budget is tight so I may have to save...but is there a chance my clown may host my flower anemone? Thanks in advance!


Its a 50/50 chance that your anemone will host any clown. Some get together within the first 10 minutes they're introduced. Some take days weeks months and sometimes not at all and there's nothing you can do to make them. It's up to the clown.(no pun intended) Out of the 2 you have, I would say the lta would be the one if the clown does decide. I don't believe the flower will host any clowns. It took my two a week before they even went near my lta. Now they're in it all the time. Give them time, it might work out.


What kind of lights do you have? Anemones need T5 or Mh lighting for them to survive. Also what size tank do you have? Some anemones get rather large. Some carpets are known fish eaters so do some research on them before you decide on one. IMO the 2 best choices are lta which u have already or a bta
hope this helps and welcome to the boards.


well i'm in the process of saving for t5's....it's a 55 gallon tank about 9 months old...i've had the LTA since I got the tank and it's doing great..I have a 10 gallon sump (my stand won't allow for any bigger at the moment) and about 60 lbs of live rock...basic cleanup crew, a few damsels a green mandarin, lawnmower, and the clown. I feed the anemone shrimp a couple times a week....everlything I have done has been diy since the budget is tight, but everything I have done has been done very well and well thought out.


Well, the only problem I can see is your lighting. I would upgrade as soon as your budget allows you to being the anemone relies on the light for most of its food.
Is your clown aquacultured(tank raised) or wild caught? Aquacultured clowns have never seen anemones until we the hobbiest introduce them, so it may take a little longer for a aquacultured clown to go into an anemone.
IMO just keep doin what your doin and give the clown some time.