False Percula Clown Tail is Rotting


Help!!! Have had the clownfish for a couple of weeks and he was doing good, yesterday his tail had fallen off. Have been battleing cyano bacteria for several weeks, and am finally getting it under control as well as the nitrates and phosphates lower. Doing a water test shortly to see what the exact measures are. In the meantime can someone please give me some advice. I really don't want to loose this fish.


Active Member
Search Fin and Tail Rot. Keeping clean water and making sure your fish is eating will help significantly. From what I have read fin rot is a secondary infection as a result from an injury. If its a bacterial infection, the fin will look more ragged. If its a fungal infection the fin will rot more evenly and is more likely to produce a white edge. Its not difficult to treat but good husbandry skills and a stress free environment, along with medications is recommended. This would recquire you to move it to a QT too. I read that Furan 2 has been used with success and I believe Maracyn II too. If not Maracyn II it was another Mardel product that is often used. HTH.


These aren't the best pics but I hope they give a little better idea. yesterday there was a lot more of the tail there, and it was very frayed looking. Any advice would be great



Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Search Fin and Tail Rot. Keeping clean water and making sure your fish is eating will help significantly. From what I have read fin rot is a secondary infection as a result from an injury. If its a bacterial infection, the fin will look more ragged. If its a fungal infection the fin will rot more evenly and is more likely to produce a white edge. Its not difficult to treat but good husbandry skills and a stress free environment, along with medications is recommended. This would recquire you to move it to a QT too. I read that Furan 2 has been used with success and I believe Maracyn II too. If not Maracyn II it was another Mardel product that is often used. HTH.
I don't have a QT any other suggestions??


Originally Posted by hexedagain1
Could something have bit this guys tail?
that's a possibility, I think if anyone it might have been my pixie hawkfish, at least that's the best I could come up with. Is that common? What should I do to help him recover??