False Percula hosting Goniopora?

I woke up today and seen my female false Percula rubbing against my green Goniopora and constantly near it, rubbing her head inside the coral, does this mean she will eventually host it? It looked like she was a few times, but I'm not to sure.
Aaah yeah, I remember reading that thread but totally forget...like you mentioned on the thread is exactly whats happening, mine is a small 10g in my room, I've had the clowns and flowerpot for 5-6 months with 0 problems, and it always looks beautiful, and always stretches all the way out. I making the 10g into a 28g jbj nano in a month, and the first thing I was going to buy was an nem. for the clowns....so I hope the flowerpot lives until I can get this tank and cross my fingers that the clowns will host it.