okay, salwaterfish.com's description of the false percula clownfish says it will "get along" with other clownfish in the tank. the description of the orange skun clown says it's "one of the most docile" clownfish - so, reading these two desriptions, you would think that they would be able to co-exist, right?
so why is it that my two fals percs and my skunk don't get along AT ALL!!!
They've been seperated and are now in different tanks.. but i'd still like to add a few more clowns to the big fish tank where the skunk is... is there any way to do that? (preferably false percs or picasso's)
this is a 55 gallon tank. only two fish in it righ now are the skunk and a dwarf flame angel.
so why is it that my two fals percs and my skunk don't get along AT ALL!!!
They've been seperated and are now in different tanks.. but i'd still like to add a few more clowns to the big fish tank where the skunk is... is there any way to do that? (preferably false percs or picasso's)
this is a 55 gallon tank. only two fish in it righ now are the skunk and a dwarf flame angel.