false perculas

Hello! Well my daughters 20 gallon tank finally got done cycling after 6 weeks! She is spoiled a year old and has her own salt water tank in her room! (she can't reach it of course) She is in love with the false Perculas, its the only fish she will look at in the lfs so i was wondering can i put two of them in this size of tank? Are there any special requirements for them? Do they have to have anenomes, if so what kind? Thanks!


I guess i was born into the wrong family. Ive spent 400 on a similar setup. It's a 20g (long)too and i currently have 2 false percs. . I would add them separately, a big one first and a smaller one second. 20g is a decent size for them and nitrates for me is somehow a non-issue. You could definitively fit another semi small fish in there if you wanted, though the clowns will get territorial and i personally dont want to push my luck with nitrates. Anemones as i understand them are extremely hard to care for and the do require intense lighting and a 20g will probably small for one. The clowns do not NEED one, but they will certainly enjoy it. If your up for the challenge of keeping one definitively read up on it and select an easier one that your clowns will still enjoy maybe an (lta or a bta.) I know practically nothing about anemones though so do some research.
Originally Posted by koolaidman
I guess i was born into the wrong family. Ive spent 400 on a similar setup. It's a 20g (long)too and i currently have 2 false percs. . I would add them separately, a big one first and a smaller one second. 20g is a decent size for them and nitrates for me is somehow a non-issue. You could definitively fit another semi small fish in there if you wanted, though the clowns will get territorial and i personally dont want to push my luck with nitrates. Anemones as i understand them are extremely hard to care for and the do require intense lighting and a 20g will probably small for one. The clowns do not NEED one, but they will certainly enjoy it. If your up for the challenge of keeping one definitively read up on it and select an easier one that your clowns will still enjoy maybe an (lta or a bta.) I know practically nothing about anemones though so do some research.
Thanks how long do you think i should wait to add the second one? I've tried anemones but lost two of them i may try again sometime though!


Active Member
hehe our original plan was to setup a 5 gallon fresh water for our 2 yr old twin girls (just turned 2) and ended up with a 55g salt water and a 44g bowfront fresh.
We have a false and true Percula and our girls are so facinated by them. It's Nemo here and Nemo there :)


Active Member
If you can manage to get 2 ocels out of the same tank, you can add them at the same time.J ust make sure that there's a bit of size difference.
That's what I did, and they get along great. Mine are probably still juvies, but dominance has been established, and its cute how he has to keep her in sight.
They're definitely fun little fish to watch (turns and stares at tank for five minutes).
Never a dull moment.


I waited a good month, but that might be overkill. Put one in, make sure your tank doesnt crash and it has cycled properly. check levels and make sure they are stable, then add another. I would wait at least a week though. PLEASE! do research on the anemone, Im assuming you no nothing about them. You must: have HIGH lighting (follow up in diy, lighting forum), have PRISTINE water, ACCLIMATE it properly- the is a stringent method of doing this (look it up too), it must be fed occasionally, and i also forgot to mention your tank should be established for several months before adding an anemone. If i recall, dropping an anemone into a recently cycled tank has no possibility of surviving. I know very little about anemones and how/what to feed them, how to acclimate them, what lighting, or how old a tank so DO RESEARCH!


Active Member
From what I've seen clowns will host all sorts of things, and don't require an anemone so your best bet is to probably wait until your tank is more mature to add the anemone even if your lights are ok, your fish will be fine. Maybe you can give it (the anemone) to them as your daughter's 2nd birthday present :)
you nice mom you!!!