False Perculas


Is there any anenome that a False perc will host? Also the ones that I have are not tank raised. I don't know if that makes a difference.
Ocellaris natural hosts are..Stichodactyla Mertensii, Heteractis Magnifica and Stichodactyla Gigantea. Some ocellaris have been known to use these anemones as a host,
Herteractis Crispa (Sebae),
Macrodactyla Doreensis (LTA)
Entacmea Quadricolor (BTA)
Stichodactyla Haddoni
< it may take them a while to get use to these anemones since its not their natural host in the wild.>
I don't recommend a S. Mertensii, H. Magnifica or a S. Gigantea for a first anemone. If this is your first anemone please do a lot of reseach. Once the research is done start with an E.quadricolor. They are the easiest of all host anemones but they can still be a challenge. Make sure you have a mature tank, that means, a tank that has been up and running for at least 6 months.(with no tank crashes) Also tank size no less than 24g for a bta.>other host anemones need a much larger tank< Once you have kept an BTA healthy and happy for a year or two. Then it might be safe to try one of the more difficult anemones.


Thank you! I had a seabae that my LFS reccommended. I ended up taking it back. The clowns didn't even know it was there. My tank is about 4 months old and it's a 55gallon. I guess maybe santa can get me a BTA.


Originally Posted by MaryG
Is there any anenome that a False perc will host? Also the ones that I have are not tank raised. I don't know if that makes a difference.

A wild caught clown has a better chance of anemone hosting it. Tank raised clowns probably don't see an anemone until we the hobbiest put them together but either way you go it's still a 50/50 chance.
It took my lta and wild ocellaris pair about 2 weeks to find each other.
Just about all anemones need T5HO or metal halide lighting so just be sure you have enough lighting to keep the anemone healthy and happy.
Just my .02


Originally Posted by MaryG
Thank you! I had a seabae that my LFS reccommended. I ended up taking it back. The clowns didn't even know it was there. My tank is about 4 months old and it's a 55gallon. I guess maybe santa can get me a BTA.

I think it's also recommended that your tank be 6-8 months old before trying an anemone, I know this becuase I am counting the days until I can get one for my 29 gallon tank.