Ocellaris natural hosts are..Stichodactyla Mertensii, Heteractis Magnifica and Stichodactyla Gigantea. Some ocellaris have been known to use these anemones as a host,
Herteractis Crispa (Sebae),
Macrodactyla Doreensis (LTA)
Entacmea Quadricolor (BTA)
Stichodactyla Haddoni
< it may take them a while to get use to these anemones since its not their natural host in the wild.>
I don't recommend a S. Mertensii, H. Magnifica or a S. Gigantea for a first anemone. If this is your first anemone please do a lot of reseach. Once the research is done start with an E.quadricolor. They are the easiest of all host anemones but they can still be a challenge. Make sure you have a mature tank, that means, a tank that has been up and running for at least 6 months.(with no tank crashes) Also tank size no less than 24g for a bta.>other host anemones need a much larger tank< Once you have kept an BTA healthy and happy for a year or two. Then it might be safe to try one of the more difficult anemones.