family guy


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
am i the only one that doesnt care anymore?
That show sucks.
It used to be okay, but I can't seem to stand it any more. People make references to it all the time. I hate those people with a deep passionate burning hate. You are not alone.


Active Member
Family guy rox. It about the only show on that 'tells it like it is,' other then South Park (new season starts March 11


Active Member
it gets so old though. its not even that funny. if i wanted funny & offensive id just turn off the tv and go hang out with my friends.


Active Member
this must be some TV related thing-a-ma-jig.

prolly would just add to the list of reasons why we don't have TV.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Be glad that your kids cannot watch it...
My parents wouldn't let me watch it when I was younger even though "everyone else gets to watch it!" Lol, I am thanking them for that now. I wasn't missing much.


Active Member
They try waayyy too hard to try and make a joke... and it shows. +1 on not being able to stand it either and I like stupid humor.


Active Member
I dunno It is funny, but how many new episodes have their been. Like 5 in the last 2 years. Unless I'm missing something. Those five episodes are seriously lacking. They need to bring back futurama. That show was funny.


Futurama sucks! Gah i used to like it but then it got old pretty fast. Makes sense when you got the people who made the simpsons working on that show.


DUDES, I sure hope you all have been watching the movies as they've come out! We watched the 4th and final one Friday night. GREAT! Futurama is the BEST!