Famous Squidd-This ones for you-water level sump


OK I HEAR YOUR FAMOUS FOR MATH( I just can sign checks LOL)So I am makeing a sump out of a 30 long tank, makeing all the cuts out of glass for the baffles ect, no problem BUT ?
When the tank cuts off with power , will the hights of the baffles make a differents when designing the sump/fuge.I mean the
water level from the mt is going down to the sump( several gals) How to compensate for this, Has anyone ask this .
I know my sump now has no compartments , so It really plays no roll at the moment, theres lots of space(hight)
thanks for the help in advance
new fish
Ps your other posts are always helpful to all


I CAN HELP WITH THIS ONE. Hehe..there are several threads going that I could point to, one of which is mine. Basically the way you figure how much you need in the sump to cover a back flow situation is to take the total gallons that will drain and give yourself that much room in the sump. Any extra space in the sump before it overflows counts toward that space.
So baffles won't matter unless they go over the top of the tank but that would be hard to do and pretty sure your not. If your planning a fuge that would be the last place you want to use but it is still usable.
So..the math. You know to put siphon holes on your returns right? If so you will put those siphon holes at or just below the water line the water will only drain to where those siphons are ..they break the siphon effect. See here for a diagram. https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/show...0&pagenumber=1
So say you think at most you will lose one inch of water(2 is probably safer but you get the idea). Well that is (Length of display in inches)x(width of display in inches)x1"/231= gallons you will lose.
To see how how much space you need in your sump (gallons you will lose from main tank)x231 divided by (length of area to use for overflow)x(width of area to use for overflow)= height you need.
or in a formula Lxwxh(where height is unknown)/231=gallons calculated from above.
think that is what your looking for
hope that helps.


Active Member
Did that answer your question...?
I think it did...:notsure:
Otherwise checkout Corys thread or masalas or Leonas or kpatrick..we just did went through that with them , with various explainations and points of view..
Hopefully one of them will click...:D


Active Member

Originally posted by Squidd
Did that answer your question...?
I think it did...:notsure:
Otherwise checkout Corys thread or masalas or Leonas or kpatrick..we just did went through that with them , with various explainations and points of view..
Hopefully one of them will click...:D

I think the mods should make a few of threads that you helped people make sumps/fuges that contain pics and diagrams and make them a sticky. Theres at least 3-5 good threads that couldlp a lot of people out.:D


Active Member
There's always the "search" button...
I would think a thread with 595 "posts" would peak some interest...:D