Fans for Ice CAp 660??


I have an icecap 660 that I got from e-bay, no instructions...
I can get the bulbs wired fine, but want to put some fans in the canopy. I have read on here that you can use 4" computer fans, BUT arent Computer fans 12V?
How do I hook them up with the ice cap?
Does Radio Shack sell a 120V 4" fan?
What does everyone else use? I don't want to pay $60 for an Ice Cap Fan if i don't have to...Please help so I can finally finish building my canopy.


buy a 110 watt comp power supply they cost approx 5 dollars at a comp show.
if you do not want to be seen at a comp show, you can buy converters at any local radio shack or hardware store. then go online and go to i think fans direct. com or some thing. say you are interested in ordering many fans but you want to check out their shipping procedures. can you guys cut me a deal on my first 4 fans?
they should say yes. so now your fans cost 1 dollar a piece.
worked for me.
good luck
ps you are looking for the 80 mm case fan