fantail filefish


Active Member
ive been considering gettin one of those guys but havent because i dont kno alot bout em. i no spotted files r impossible because they eat nothin but acorpora, but i didnt no if it was the same deal w/ them but i was hoping u ppl would no.


The fantail (Pervagor Spilosoma) is a great filefish to have, they reach 6-7 inches and need a variety of chopped meaty foods along with greens. This file should be pretty easy to care for unlike the Orange Spotted. Personally I have kept the tasseled filefish for years, one of my favorite species.



Active Member
Not to jump off-topic Sharkboy, but Kaye, how difficult was the tassled for you? I have always been interested in them but never had enough guts to try one.


They need space, and are top dwellers, I have found they require a 50/50 mix (meaty food plus greens) and smaller feedings 3-4 times per day. I know many have trouble keeping the tasseled, personally I have not had a problem, but I feed mine 3-4 times per day. When keeping the tasseled I stress feeding.


Active Member
its k lion to be off sub, all the help uve been i deserve to let u be off subject atleast once a thread. kaye, aside from being a good filefish to have i also hear theyll pick at lion fins? if so i have to lions i aint to happy to lose..


Well it is possible, they could pick at a lion but I would say in comparison it would be risky like if you added a pinktail trigger, where it could happen depending on the fish, but not as risky than if you added a picasso trigger.
Files mind their own business most of the time, but can hold their own when need be, I keep my filefish with my lions trouble free.


Active Member
oh cool, but i think im gonna save the rest of my money, my rainbow boa just died and i think im just gonna look into other things for the moment