fantastic 4 was SO terrible (no spoilers)


Active Member
my friends talked me into going and seeing the first showing, so i get up at 11:30 and haul my butt over to the theatre and dang, i can honestly say i have never seen anything cheezier in my life.... if i were you i would go spend 7 bucks on a rental and a tv dinner becasue that would have been so much more fun.... ugh... but jessica alba is hottt... but they tried to make her to white... so what are you gonna do

ok in a nut shell, i took the fall, learn from my experience... it sucked


Active Member
Originally Posted by autofreak44
my friends talked me into going and seeing the first showing, so i get up at 11:30 and haul my butt over to the theatre and dang, i can honestly say i have never seen anything cheezier in my life.... if i were you i would go spend 7 bucks on a rental and a tv dinner becasue that would have been so much more fun.... ugh... but jessica alba is hottt... but they tried to make her to white... so what are you gonna do

ok in a nut shell, i took the fall, learn from my experience... it sucked

what sucked about it


Active Member
I agree, I was rather disappointed myself. I watched it last night. I had read some reviews, and folks were saying the first one stunk and the second was much better. I think I like the first one more....just my opinion....Hopefully transformers is better. We'll see....if not, I know for certain that Bourne Ulitmatum should be bad a**.....I love that series.


Active Member
i rather enjoyed it but i think i liked it because my kid was likeing it. i think it was a good movie for younger viewers . i did enjoy the special efects though


Active Member
i didnt even sit all the way through the first one and havent seen the others,and so true with all the sequals the first one makes lots of $$$ so they have to whip the horse till its dead and none of the original actors wanna come back


I thought Spiderman III was better than the first two. The only reason I say this is because it had a moral message. My boys ( 7 & 8 ) and I actually had a discussion after watching the movie, about how doing the right thing is ALWAYS better than the alternative. Even though the right thing is harder to do.


Active Member
it was an ok villian an what not but taking jessica alba and white-washing her with blonde hair and blue eyes and then making a whole cheezy love story between her and mr. stretchy was a lill corny to me... but i dono, everyone has different gonna go see oceans 13, hope its better


New Member
Have you ever read a fantastic 4 comic book? Thats exactly what she's like in them and she is married to mr fantastic. It's not like some crazy idea they came up with, blame stan lee if you want to blame someone though. I thought his appearance was corny this time.


Originally Posted by autofreak44
it was an ok villian an what not but taking jessica alba and white-washing her with blonde hair and blue eyes and then making a whole cheezy love story between her and mr. stretchy was a lill corny to me... but i dono, everyone has different gonna go see oceans 13, hope its better
I heard that Oceans 13 was incredible. I hope it is. Let us know how it was!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Toggil
Have you ever read a fantastic 4 comic book? Thats exactly what she's like in them and she is married to mr fantastic. It's not like some crazy idea they came up with, blame stan lee if you want to blame someone though. I thought his appearance was corny this time.
ya i guess... ive never read the comic books so i wouldnt know... but from a movie go-er's perspective it was definately not my favorite.... i saw oceans 13 and it was....AMAZING!!! even if it was a bad script (which it isnt) it would still be good because they have so many good actors...


Active Member
Heh - F4 made it #1 in the box office with $57.4 million over the weekend. Obviously it didn't suck as they say ...


Active Member
no, just means they suckered in enough people to come in. the true test of a movie's suckage is the next weekend.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
Heh - F4 made it #1 in the box office with $57.4 million over the weekend. Obviously it didn't suck as they say ...
well maybe a lot of ppl thought it wouldnt suck and they went and then they decided it did suck


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
no, just means they suckered in enough people to come in. the true test of a movie's suckage is the next weekend.