Farming of marine fish and corals has come a long way since I began my marine aquarium journey way back in 1996. There were many fish and corals that were just thought impossible to keep. Today we have a much better understanding and easier access to detailed information on many many different species. Advances in and accessibility to new technology has made keeping almost any fish or coral possible with the right equipment and nutrition. One of the most amazing changes imo is the availability of a broad array of aquacultured specimens. There are more exotic fish and corals propagated in captivity today than I would have ever imagined possible. Designer clownfish morphs, outstanding corals from around the world carefully curated and selectively propagated for the most attractive attributes possible. Aquaculture also relieves stress caused by over collection of wild animals which is just awesome because we love our reefs ok, we do, we love the heck out of them. I would urge new reef keepers to purchase captive bred animals whenever possible. Farmed fish and corals typically display a level of domestication and stability that can insure confidence in even a novice keeper. As long as you're willing to do a little reading and invest in the proper equipment for the animals you intend to keep, there's no reason why you can't enjoy a successful reef tank immediately. I often say to myself "if I knew then what I know now" lol. I can't travel back to my days as a youthful reefling, but I can help new keepers avoid a lot of hard lessons. The 1st pro tip I can give, is to fully embrace captive bred animals. Your chances of keeping an animal that is accustomed to the aquarium environment healthy are far greater than that of one that has been wild collected and in many cases shipped half way around the globe. has just launched a brand new facility and website devoted to 100% aquacultured fish and corals. Check it out and feel free to post any questions you might have here.