Fast GBTA growth


I've had a GBTA for about 3 months now, and he's been growing at a rather nice, steady pace.. But I'm looking to kick things up a notch and get this sucker huge.
He's about 12" from 150 watt HQI lighting, and my clowns just started feeding him mysis shrimp about every time they get fed. I try to spot feed him a little piece of table shrimp once a week too.
Any tips on how to get a BTA growing faster and bigger? Any specific bulb brands that produce better anemone growth?


Is this a mystery that no body knows the answer too?
Do anemones grow faster from eating food, or from the light?
Will it make a difference wheter you use 14k or 20k HQI?
I'm lookings for facts guys!

small triggers

Active Member
good question, I dont think there is a real answer to it. In the wild they do not have anyone to feed them so? but have an endless supply of sunlght. and considering that anemones can live, they think, hundreds of years your guess is as good as the marine biologists of the world.


Active Member
I would be cautious about overfeeding a nem to try and super grow it...At 12" a GBTA probably won't get a whole lot bigger really fast. Nothing in nature will grow faster because you want it too. if you overfeed it you can stress it out.