Here's ya go ... Right from Aquariium Systems !
TEST KIT INSTRUCTIONS FOR either fasTest / SeaTest Alkalinity test kits.
1) Fill small measuring vial to the TOP with water to be tested.
2) Pour sample water into the large titration vial.
3) Titrate with reagent by adding one drop at a time to the titration vial and swirling to mix. Initial color should be blue.
Continue adding drops until sample color turns to yellow-green.
4) Divide the number of drops by two (2) to obtain milliequivalents per liter ( meq/L ).
If the sample turns yellow after first drop, proceed to high precision test directions.
High precision method for high precision saltwater testing.
1) Fill the measuring vial ( small tube ) twice with saltwater to be tested, and pour each into the titration vial.
2) Titrate as described above. Drop by drop.
3) After color change - divide the number of drops by four (4) to obtain milliequivalents per liter ( meq/L )
Keep out of reach of children. May be harmful if swallowed. May cause irritation or burning of the eyes.