fat fish? (pics)


Ok, my yellow tang is an eating machine, i mean the fish doesnt freakin' stop, its always picking at the rock, algae sheets, stealing stingrays food (mysis that floats out of the baster), exc.. today however i noticed its abdomen looks kinda swollen, like it ate a lot.. i did offer a pretty good size piece of algae sheet, how long does it take fish to digest and when should i look for its stomach to not look as distended? should i just give it a day or so off from eating and see what happens? is there more to his "size"

cannot get a decent head on pic of this fish!



Active Member
Definately looks healthy. You could easily skip a day and it's not going to harm him at all. I have cut back to only feeding every other day and I have 3 tangs in the tank with 9 other fish, but my reason was to keep the algea away. Every time you feed, some of it is going to the bottom and turns to waste.


thanks T.. when i got home today to check the fish (As if it would kill me to unload my pockets, set the keys down, exc first lol) i almost freaked out when i saw how swollen its belly was lol... had to post and make sure it was ok. i had seen a few other "swollen stomach" fish here when i did a search engine (before i wasted post space, i did check) and saw some fish really did have problems... figured better safe then sorry


Active Member
If he stays this way, and you don't see him pooping for several days, then that might be a real problem. Could be backing up or something, and I am no expert in those areas. But just looking at the pics, he looks healthy to me, just full, like when I get up from a buffet


lol... ill keep an eye out for that poop lol.. i totally know what you mean about the buffet


I saw one the other day at a LFS and it looked just like yours, huge belly but really healthy. Its belly kinda almost looked lumpy.


it actually looks much better today
sooo glad!!! guess i wont be offering quite as much algae sheets in the future lol