Faucet Question for RO/DI Unit


New Member
I got my new Coralife RO/DI unit. Do I turn the faucet all the way to achieve as much pressure as possible?


hot water will fry your membranes... only cold! you are looking to achieve about 50-60 psi on input for optimal performance.

payton 350

Originally Posted by Payton 350
i turn both the hot and cold all the way up.....
hot + cold = warm water....
i also believe it's recommended that the water be warm as opposed to straight cold and obviously not just hot water. I could be wrong but i like it warm going through about 77 degrees (i think) ....more water is made than just having the cold go through


as long as its not hot. anything over room temperature WILL fry your filters, you may not have a choice because you need to turn up both hot and cold to achieve the best pressure in which case i would buy a booster pump.
more water is not made, just less bad water is rejected. here is why... when you heat up the water, you will heat up the filters and membranes, causing them to expand which means the holes in them get bigger. depending on your temperature you may increase a 1 micron filter to 2 or 3 microns. same goes for the RO membrane, your just increasing the size. in turn you will be reducing the rejection rate of the filter. the water will come out faster only because its path is less restrictive now. therefore, the quality of your filtered water will suffer. you will in fact get the best filtering out of colder water.


Active Member
i have a corallife ro/di unit aswell...i have mine connected to the outside hose..and i barely turn the water on....i get the same output when i turn it on full blast...so i leave it barely half way..im guessing for the faucet u would have to turn the cold water on full blast...

sign guy

Active Member
your pressure will not change with the amount of water you send through the unit just the amount. the greater the ammount the faster good water is produced. kinda like the difference between voltage and amprege of eltrical work. also cfa membranes are more prone to heat damage the the tfc's we use. kent and dow flemtec both recomend 65%