Faulty Turbo Skimmer?


I just set up my brand new Berlin Turbo. Only problem is, it doesn't seem to work, it creates NO FOAM! It fills up with water, but there aren't even any bubbles in it anywhere.
First time with in sump model, used a Prizm before. I hooked up the Turbo pump as instructed, or so I think I did anyway.
Anyone know what I might be doing wrong? Or is the skimmer just defective and needs to be sent back??
The troubleshooting section in the manual is pretty useless.
also check to make sure the screw for the air flow isn't closed all the way. also, i notice that when the water level gets low in my sump, it dosen't produce as many bubbles. the water should be at least 8" deep at all times for it to work properly. HTH.