fav fish poll


Just for fun, I'd like to get a little poll going about everybody's two fav fish families
Tangs and Triggerfish


I'll give you my two favs in my tank

Dogface Puffer (Puffy)
Redlegged Hermit Crab (Daffy) (iknowhe'snotafish


I love catfish, lightly breaded with lemon pepper seasoning, and smoked Salmon filet is pretty good too!


I like my cleaner shrimp best in the tank. Outside the tank I only eat fish sticks. Who knows what kind of fish that is....



Originally posted by DennisH:
a Porcupine Puffer and a Clown Trigger are the "goals" of my new tank.

Hey DennisH, I belive you are the person I just sent a copy of my book to. I'm Jean from "Jean's Marine Aqaurium Advice!" And I also sent a copy to sshorem who must have found my site. It's a small world I guess!


New Member
You can guess one of my favorite and the other is the emperor angel.
My two favorite species are angelfish and lionfish.
My favorite seafood dish is non at all because I'm allergic to seafood. Can you believe that. The smell of cooked seafood gets me sick.


Perculaman: HA!! That'd be a laugh tring to give a carnvourous fish (like a trigger, grouper etc) is dinner cuz they eat copped clam, boiled shrimp, etc. LOL!
Plus the problem with me is I love seafood, even though I hate the idea of the killing of any fish. If it tased bad it'd be easier to resist the temptation!


Hey Fishgirl this is Fishboy (the name given by my friends due to too many years gabbing about fish and diving I guess). My favourite fish has got to be Chaetodon semilarvatus (Addis Butterfly)I nearly drowned myself once following a pair whilst diving - somebody give me gills! After that it's probably the Clown Trigger.
P.S. I thought your note about everybodies name was great (do you think they will let me be a Great White????)



Originally posted by clayton:
Hey Fishgirl this is Fishboy (the name given by my friends due to too many years gabbing about fish and diving I guess).

REALLY!!??!! The name "Fishgirl" was given to me in the 4th grade by a bunch of my friends who thought I was nerdy or something for likeing tropical fish. This was even before I started the marine hobby. I was majorly into the freshwaters at the time, but the year after (5th grade) I became obsessed with the marines. I am now a highschooler and want to be a marine biologist after I get out of collage. This July I'm going to do some diving in Hawaii! The ABSOLUTE BEST thing to do over the summer!! This is so cool -- I love to find out I'm not alone in the world with my obsession!



Originally posted by Fishgirl:
Hey DennisH, I belive you are the person I just sent a copy of my book to. I'm Jean from "Jean's Marine Aqaurium Advice!" And I also sent a copy to sshorem who must have found my site. It's a small world I guess!

Sorry I missed this post until now- but yes I am
the one you sent your book on Trigger care. It was a bit shorter than I had expected, but good information. Thanks!!
[This message has been edited by DennisH (edited 04-27-2000).]
[This message has been edited by DennisH (edited 04-27-2000).]


I know, I shouldn't have called it a "book" on my site -- like the title says it's a consise "guide." I tried to make it cover everything in a brief way so you don't have to read this huge book just to find out about one family of fish! I also sent you and sshorem an even shorter copy than the real thing, b/c I did not send the speceis section which contains all the pitures and info about each individual fish. This is b/c the scaner won't allow it. Oh well, I'll just have to send you both another copy once it's edited and published and stuff.