Favia color


I have a favia brain and it's color is changing, why? it's dark brown with green eyes and it's starting to lighten, only in one spot, the top of it.


Active Member
I had this same problem trying to keep corals under pc's, I just gave up and bit the bullet on a good hqi/t5 combo, now my corals thrive!
I had no luck keeping corals with pc's, even the ones that everyone said could be kept under pc's?
If your params are all in check it's probably the lighting?


the problem is that these are the best lights that I can fit under my hood. I have a 72 bowfront so there is much less room under the hood than people would think. maybe I'll try to move it somewhere else in the tank.


Active Member
You can get hanging pendants for MH or clamp on MH lights. Or, you could rip out the lights and custom fit them in. Try moving the favia up above the midway point of the tank, closer to the light.
How old are the bulbs? Could another coral have touched it (say at night when the polyps extend?). What are your water parameters, exactly. How much flow is over him? What is your temperature?


Active Member
Oh, and bleaching is very, very bad. It means the beneficial organisms inside the coral, the ones that feed it, are dying.


okay, the lights are only about 4 weeks old. I didn't even think about another coral touching it. We had a frogspawn on the sand for a few days while more rock was curring and we have a fish that knocked it over a lot. It's polyps used to extend at night like crazy, but they don't seem to be doing that at all now. (I may also just be missing it because I go to bed pretty soon after the lights go out)
water temp is 79-80 degrees
amm 0
trite 0
ph 8.1
cal 480
phos 0
alk normal
trates 10 before the water change a few days ago. haven't had a chance to check it since.
it's not the whole coral that is bleaching. it's just the top spot in the picture.


Active Member
Hmm, if it is just the top part, and there was a frogspawn nearby, you may have found the culprit. I almost lost my bubble coral to a torch (same family). The bubble fell on top of the torch and, well, got the crap stung out of him. Frogspawns, hammers, and torches are in the same family. They can touch each other (generally) with no trouble, but their sting is very nasty to other corals. I would think, though, that you would see some of the flesh of the coral recede if it were in fact stung. When you say your alk is normal, what is it exactly? I can't remember the two scales, but one says it should be between 8 and 12 and the other uses like 4 to 5 (that's the one I use, I maintain 5).


the Alk test that I have says the results are 0-1.6 low 1.7-2.8 normal 2.9-3.6 high and mine was right in the middle of the normal range.


Active Member
Yeah, maybe invest in some better lighting. I don't keep these cause I don't like them so I'm just not much help on diagnosing, but certainly make sure nothing touches it. Make sure no fish nip at it either. If I were you, I'd invest in some T5 or VHO lighting, you'll be glad you did. Or go for some MH combos.