favia slowly dying. help please


Active Member
my perm that I know of:
cal 410ppm
havennt dont PH in a little while but everytime I have doen it over the past year it has been 7.9
I did an alk check, dont remember what it was though
I have a 90g 24in tall and I have the favia about 1/2 way up
my lighting is 4x65w 10k PC
I have also been feeding it and it appears to be eating cyclopeeze and mysis
it is a nice size piece about 6"x6" some of the edges have died and some heads are dying.
it is dying in a strange formation, they appear to be dying as if someone dropped liquid on a slopped surface and liquid gets more narrow the longer it gets (the dying heads get more narrow the longer the dying surface is)
any ideas?


I disagree that they "require" MH. However I do think this is a light situation. You only have 260 watts on a 90 gal, not quite 3 watts per gallon. Personally, I don't think that is enough, but what I would do right now is move them as high up in the tank as possible and see if that helps over the next few days
I have 4.5 watts of PC per gallon and keep my favia about five inches from the lights.
Good Luck


Active Member
ok I know this is an old thread but I am having the same trouble.
I have a post up but am getting no answers.
I have a 29 gallon w/ 130 watts PC 50/50 lights
Yesterday I tested and my water was:
ammonia 0
dKH 6.4
phosphates 1.00
trite 0
trate 20
mag 2250
calcium 600
PH 8.2
I am mixing water to do a water change and I may go ahead and change it before it has mixed for 24 hours if you guys think it will be ok.
Anyway should I move it up? Is it not getting enough light as well? I have had it for about 4 months and it looks to be receeding near the bottom and up the side.
I feed my tank everyother day w/ a chopped homemade food and I also made some coral food from the Eric Borneman site and I feed my tank Kents Zooplex. I feed during the day
It is possible he isn't eating??

Anyone please help me.