Favorite Clownfish and Anemones Books


New Member
I too happen to be a clownfish fan so I thought I'de share with you a few tidbits.
Most would agree, "Clownfishes" by Joyce Wilkerson is the bible of clownfish books. It covers information on each species, care, anemones, breeding etc. There is another book by Frank Hoff that is just as good but I haven't read it myself, yet. A search on amazon.com should make these easy to find and they have the peak inside feature so you can browse them before hand.
If you are gonna ask for a tank setup, I'de suggest at least a 20 gallon, any smaller is hard to care for, for a starting saltwater tank. And when you get your clowns, I'de reccomend getting 2 babies. They will eventually form a male/female bonded pair. And if you have them long enough they may lay eggs. Also, keep in mind if you get an anemone you'll have to upgrade the lights to Power Compact at least, so it will get enough light. A cheap source for lights is aquatraders.com. Also, on anemones - stay away from the cheap condylactis that they have at ***** and such places. They have a very powerful sting to the fish and I have only seen clark's clowns host in them. If you really get into clownfish there is a forum devoted to just clowns at rareclownfish.com
I think that's all I know. Hope it points you in the right direction.