shrimp are awesome! we loved our cleaner and plan to get another (we are replacing Jimmy the janitor who was gunned down by a hitch-hiking pistol shrimp) and were wondering if there are other shrimp species that are a good size and hang around out in the open. our lfs has a fire/blood shrimp and it seems to hide constantly. they are cool looking but a bit pricey for something youre never gonna see. they have some larger camel shrimp too, looked cool but also seemed a bit skulky. you think this is shop behaviour and they might relax and come out more at home??
anyway, post your favourite shrimps and what you like about them. its cool if you wanna talk about lil guys or hidey fellas but id really like to hear about bigger laid back ones. and whether its true that coral banded can be real arseholes!
anyway, post your favourite shrimps and what you like about them. its cool if you wanna talk about lil guys or hidey fellas but id really like to hear about bigger laid back ones. and whether its true that coral banded can be real arseholes!