Feather Duster Dying?


I think my feater duster is dieing, one of the worms is hanging out of it's membrane. The crown is intact. Has this happened to anyone else and what does that mean.
ammonia 0
trites 0
trates 10ppm
sg 1.026
temp 77.9
ph 8.2


Active Member
Same thing happened to my feather duster. Both heads actually left the tube and then 1 month later a brand new feather was born. Does that help?


It didn't lose the crown, the entire worm is crawling out of the membrane and hanging over it with the feathers still attached.


Active Member
Well I didn't see the worm leave the tube but I have heard of them leaving and then a new one will grow.


Active Member
do you think there is enough food in the water for filter feeders? maybe he's starving?


Originally Posted by Mr_X
do you think there is enough food in the water for filter feeders? maybe he's starving?
That was my concern also, but there is always cyclopeeze and zoo plankton in the water, and the duster next to him is fine.
As of this morning there is no trace of him, not even feathers.


Active Member
He is probably out and about the tank somewhere. If he survives keeping out of the way of things that would consider him a meal they can and do grow new tubes.


Mine is doing the same thing today...crawling out and hanging out of the tube (seems to be trying to get to the sand). I moved him and buried his tube more in the sand in case something near it was bothering him, but it's still trying to crawl out. I've had him for months now in the same spot...and feeding plenty so I don't know what is going on with it.
Hopefully it will be okay...we'll see. Guess he's moving out (or trying to run away from his home)!


Active Member
i had one about two years ago...popped out of its tube and crawled arounded a couple of days and died..my only guess is it didn;t like where i had him...plus i was moving it around constantly..


Mine are Pretty Tuff. I've had two get freeked and lose the crowns and they both grew back pretty quickly. I also got a little to aggressive pullling hair algae and broke one in half, but it survived OK.