feather duster farm


I have got literally dozens of feather dusters growing in my aquarium. I looked tonight and there were probably 20-30 in one area alone!
Can I take some of these, after they are bigger, and sell them? If so, would the best way be to take them to my LFS? The biggest ones are about an inch or so tall.


How do I find out which kind it is?
No, they are about an inch tall, not an inch in diameter. They are growing quite fast, and there are a lot of them.
If they are going to be a nuisance, I am going to try to get rid of them.


Active Member
Also, they won't grow all that big, in all likelihood :) they are not the feather dusters that people buy, and your LFS probably has plenty growing in their live rock bays already. They may come and go in blooms, as many critters do.