Feather Duster lost it's tube!


New Member
One of my 6 feather dusters expelled itself from it's tube and is now in two separate parts on the bottom of my tank. Is this a reprocuctive thing or something very bad. All the others are fine. This is in my 20gal tank, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Salinity .024 and Nitrate .10. I have 3.6 watts of light per gallon now.


Active Member
Mine have done that before, and I know I've heard other people experience the same thing with their FD... I think he is just shedding/molting or something. When mine did it, I thought he was dead, so I burried the tube in my CC (too lazy to remove it). About 3 weeks later I had a feather duster poking out of the CC. I wouldn't worry about it.


New Member
Originally posted by Deborah:
<STRONG>One of my 6 feather dusters expelled itself from it's tube and is now in two separate parts on the bottom of my tank. Is this a reprocuctive thing or something very bad. All the others are fine. This is in my 20gal tank, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Salinity .024 and Nitrate .10. I have 3.6 watts of light per gallon now.</STRONG>
nullnullThey will grow back.More inform.at Ale368@Dockpoint.net


i would not say they WILL grow back. my duster lost his (or her)crown a little over a month ago. i had noticed him still in the tube coming to the opening so i knew he was still alive. one month later his tube fell over and he was gone. it had been about 2 weeks since and i have seen no sign of him in my tank anywhere. i would just recommend to keep your eye on him.


I have 4 FD and 2 of mine have done that. The first one just wasn't coming out of his tube anymore. Then like 3-4 wks later he was sticking out of his tube with a little crown. It is doing it again, the first time in was in May. (This was also my first FD in the tank) I came home two weeks ago and their was the a diffrent FD sitting about 4 inches from his tube, and the male clown protecting him. I left it alone, last week it was back in the tube sticking up with a little crown. I think this is just something they do. Good luck.

matt dowdney

New Member
Feather dusters lose their crowns during breeding. This way they don't trap their own larva in the process. As far as losing the tube all together... I can only say, maybe it was damaged by something, but the FD's make their tubes so as long as there's no threat of him being eaten I wouldn't worry about it. Good Luck. I'm off to go buy one myself.. he he.