feather duster out


ok, my green feather duster is out of his tube. whats up with that? why is he doign that? will he ever get back in?


Active Member
No it will not go back into its tube. They sometimes jump if they don't like where you place them or if they are stressed. Sometimes the will make a new tube for themselves but it takes time. The safest thing to do will be to place a breeders box over the duster to keep it safe from inverts and spot feed it until it finishes its new tube. Best of luck!


Active Member
ok mine always grows from the tube not from the feaather the feathers jump ship when they get stressed or threatened and the tube will grow another feather!


That link was pics on mine... he subsequently got eaten by my cleanup crew.. that pic was late one evening.. the next day there wasn't much left?

I got another a few weeks later and he has been doing GREAT now for a few weeks and is out 95% of the time (at least duing daylight hours when I'm up to see him)...Must have been less stessed, or liked where I placed him better (and I purchased from a "different" vendor).


Active Member
Sorry for your loss. Hope you don't mind me using your thread.
Glad to hear you got a new one and are having success with it so far. I am thinking about adding another one to my tank. I saw a nice purple and white one for $15.00.