Feather Duster Placement


Do feather dusters need to be placed on the bottom on the sand or can you stick them in between rocks ? Thanks


Active Member
I agree, you can also place them in a hole in the rock. They just need a place to be able to attatch. HTH


Active Member
And they WILL attach...and it's difficult to remove them without damage once they do...I placed one in the sand near a rock and awhile later when I went to "rearrange" things he was "stuck" to the rock...
Now I have to be careful in where/how I place that rock...


You should also be concerned with water flow in the area. As far as i know they would like to be in an area with a somewhat low water current so they can be sure to trap particles floating by.


I had one a long time ago that left its tube and died and the tube was stuck in the sand. When I pulled it out the smell was so disgusting.Does anyone know how long they can live in a tank? Thanks for the help


I actually tried to move mine fom the rock ::silly human:: and pulled the tube off :eek: But luckily the tube regrew and he was a happy duster again...

cherokee angel

New Member
I had one that was in the sand and wedged under a rock.
My anemone kept moving around and decided to stay where my hawaiian feather duster was, so I was going to move my HFD to another location, but he was attached to the rock.
Later that afternoon I saw that he had came out of the tube and moved under another rock. I got to looking for him one day and did not find him, so I went to pull the empty tube out of my tank and just a piece of the tube broke off. I said oh well i will get the rest next time I do a water change. A week later I thought i saw something in the tube and said naahh just my imagination.
I was doing my water change and guess what there he was in his tube with a very short crown!
now two weeks later his crown is a whole lot prettier!


I have one that seems very happy next to my powerhead. Plenty of water flow. I don't think they're to fussy as long as they are anchored and fed.


I tried to move it and after just one day its attached to a rock ,so I guess it stays there. I moved corals around so its just as well it stays there.


They are fine either way, however, when mine were in the sand my tangs would tear the tube apart no matter how deep I buried them. I moved one in the rocks so they couldn't get to the tube and it is doing great now.


They are worms and can move, so no matter where you place them, it really doesn't matter. They are going to stay where they are happy and move if they are unhappy.