feather duster poped out!

mr. tuna

Active Member
i have had my feather duster for about 3 weeks now,
and he all the time would go out, then go back in. He kept
doing this constantky, because fish swam by him. Each time
one of my fish just swam by, he would close. Unfortunally,
i found him out of his tube, and dead. Should i get another one?
Or not?


Yes, featherdusters are light/water movement sensitive and will close up if they sense a predator. But did you see the crown or the actual worm itself? Featherdusters will sometimes drop their crowns (their "feathers") when they are stressed. But if the worm is still living in the tube, he may regrow his crown in time or move to another location and regrow. The dusters I bought left their tubes and have since rebuilt cozy homes in my substrate, but they never dropped their crowns. So it may very well be that the worm is still alive or dead. I would go ahead and remove the lost feathers though. If you do decide to purchase another featherduster, I would place it in a different location with less traffic. Good luck! :)