Feather Duster problem


My feather duster crawled out of his little leather sack last night.. i sthis normal? He is still alive and has actually moved around the tank... Any help is appreciated.


Active Member
Let it do its own thing. Whatever you do dont touch it. He'll (hopefully) find a new location and build a new tube there. Dont touch it!


Active Member
He'll probably eject the crown as well. If he does - dont let it worry you at all.
Hows all your water levels checking out? Usually they move because they're not happy with something, it would be a good idea to check everything and correct anything thats not good.


Active Member
hey Speg....what happens if you touch it? :notsure:
...good luck, inthabayou!! Let us know how he gets on! :jumping:


Active Member
They are pretty fragile is all. You dont wanna squish it or injure it in any way.