feather duster question??


New Member
can someone give me some info on a few feather dusters? i dont know much about them and cant find any info on the net. does fish selection matter? substrate? water temp and salinity? food? size of tank? any info would be helpful...ty


Active Member
food, they eat planktons and some of the debris from the fish food
fish selection does matter, some fishes will eat them
substrate doesn't seem to make a big difference, ours is on the glass, sand a nd rcok
temp high 70's
salinity, ??, let me look, my reference says 1.023 to 1.025, we have colnies, and ours are in 80 degrees, with 1.025,a nd no predatory fish, we did however have a problem with a peppermint shrimp, which as i understand it is a reak thing(they normally don't bother feathers)


With the exception of a few fish or critters that might eat them, they are basically indestructible. They do sometimes shed their crowns, but they grow back in a week or so.
When I bought mine, the LFS put the plastic bag in a paper bag, which of course broke as I lifted it out of the car, sending them rolling across the parking lot and into the gutter. By the time I retrieved them and got to the door my nerves were shot so I dropped them again, so my dog carried them into the living room for me. If I were an invert and had just been rolled around like a soccer ball and looked up to see the inside of a Great Dane's mouth, I would croak, but my dusters are still going strong a year later :)


New Member
i did a search on "sabellastarte" and didnt really come up with much on them. can anyone provide me with some more info.? i have a 20g hex with crushed coral and live rock,. with 2 blue reef chromis and a tomato clown. i also have a few small blue leg crabs in tank for cleaning purposes. what should i know about these feather dusters with these inhabitants?????


Active Member
what search engine you using??
some get different results
I like google.com
as for your set up., i know zero about the hermits, but the rest of your tank should be no problem at all for them, we have those fishes ourselves
seems like the hermits only eat algae, and nothing else??


Active Member
the on;ly issue I have with my dusters is to watch out for your fish - if they get sick and you treat them the chemicals really make the dusters ill.


my blue hermits don't do any harm to my feather duster, they just crawl all over the corraline algae that is attached to him.


My blue-leg hermits don't touch my feather dusters! They just keep multiplying!!