Feather Duster Question


I have a feather duster that is about 5 inches in diameter, the tube is about 1 inch in diameter. I've had it for about a month and last week the feather part came off and ended up under a rock. My hermit crab was picking at it so I scared him away and the next day the feather was still in the same place, under the rock. I assumed that it was dead and discarded it, but left the tube, thinking that the worm was shedding. I asked the people at one of my LFS about this. They told me that it was dead and to remove the tube. When I went to do this, I grabed the tube and their was a sudden jolt inside the tube, like their was something in their still. So I left the tube in place and came here becouse I know I'll get a answer.
So here is the Question.
Is it still alive and if it is do the feathers shed. Thanks


New Member
Tube worms do occasionally drop their 'feathers'. It is usually in response to stress of some sort. I'd make sure everything is OK with your water. If it is, don't worry about it, the worm will grow them back.


I can not beleive your LFS told you it was dead. I think it is time you find a diffrent LFS. The feathers will grow back. It will take a little while.


That is great to know, my LFS did say it should be ok but to watch it. I am glad to hear here that other people have the same dilema. Thanks guys.