Feather Duster Question


Okay...I bought a new feather duster today that had a really nice crown (big and great colors).
I didn't really look at it that close until later...but it is missing it's tube! I guess I should have looked closer after the lfs bagged it but I didn't until I was already home. It's definitely alive...but no tube!
Is it a goner...or can I do anything? I did put it in a hole in the rock at the bottom of my tank that goes down to the sand bed so I'm kindof hoping it will grab some sand and make a new one....


It should be able to make a new one, although I think it is pretty vulnerable without having its tube. Do you have anywhere you can put it where the hermits and crabs wont bother it? I think that would improve its odds....
Hope it works out!


Oh boy...considering I have a bunch of hermits and other various scavengers...no place I can think of that it won't be around them.
Well...hopefully they won't bother it.


Very weird...this duster is STILL wandering my tank without a tube! It seems to mostly be staying under/around the rocks so I don't see him much, but definitely wanders instead of trying to build a new tube. I've seen some slimey web-like stuff in spots where he stays for a bit (like holes in the bottom of the rocks near the sand) but then he moves out to another place. Luckily my crabs and such don't touch him...and he still has his crown. I wonder how long they can live with no tube?
I bought a feather duster about 3 weeks ago and he has left and made new tubes several times. I thought he was going to die for sure when his tube cracked and seemed to split in the middle, but he rebuilt over and over again. I bet yours does too!


One of my little featherdusters didnt have that much luck when he detached to find a nw home, my clowns started playing with it

(note i cleaned my tank right after this)


Well, this one is one if the really big ones! It's crown is probably a couple inches in diameter, and it's body is about 2-3 inches long as well. It's still hanging in there...doesn't seem sick at all! Very odd.


I have a beautiful feather duster in my tank, he is pretty large. I also noticed there is aanther one of the exact same color on the bottom of the rock (its a ceiling rock)