Feather Duster Unhappy?


New Member
I bought a new Feather Duster on Friday at the lfs and since then have not seen its crown. I put it in my tank on Friday and watched it all weekend, it hasn't extended at all. I thought it died, (My other one I can feel the worm in the tube, but this one as far as I can reach it I can't) BUT... I tried to move it or take it out and it has attached itself to a rock so is it alive? If it dies will it be detached? My only experience with them is with my other one , who is almost always extended and has since I got it, even in the bag I brought it home in.


sometimes if a feather duster is stressed it can shed its crown...I wouldn't touch it or move it in any way....you may have damaged it by squeezing the tube. Dusters are very delicate and it is very easy to kill them.
When I first got my feather duster and moved him to another tank he blew his crown and didnt appear for about 2-3 weeks, but after he regrow his crown, he generally keeps it out all the time. I would give it at leat 2-3 weeks, he maybe just getting his crown back before he "comes out"