Feather duster


New Member
I just bought a feather duster and now its jumped out of its tube. Im guessing this is not a good thing but I could be wrong. is this a common thing and is there anyway to get him back into the tube
Thank you for all your help


Active Member
Not too uncommon. Try to place it in rocky rubble or sand so it can be half way buried and hopfully will make a new tube and clumped to the rocks so you can move it later. Should never expose them to air or touch the tube much.


Generally when they jump out of the tube it isn't a good sign. Most likely he's going to die unless you squeezed him out of it.


Tube Worm (Feather Duster) Regeneration
I have a Feather Duster that also jumped out of his tube... well, when I went to move him, he fell out the back in trying to escape a possible preditor. So I buried him most of the way. Within 24 hours it created a new tube which was a great sign. Now, stupid me, added a few small pieces of live rock to the tank, forgetting where he was I push one rock right on top of him. This hurt him badly... his body has broken into 3 seperate pieces now. and none of them are in tubes. The LFS, who has his Masters degree, in Marine Biology, says they will act like a starfish. All 3 pieces should develop into 3 individual new feathers. Pending the water conditions are suitable. I am not sure... myself. I will keep you all posted on the progress of the individual pieces if they emerge as new feathers. Currently they are buried, so I won't know unless they emerge.
Good luck all,


Active Member
Yep, thats how most worms reprduce is by splitting. Dont know about crushing though. Good luck.