i have 2 small rocks with very little tubes coming out of the sides, they look like a feather duster,everytime i use a net in the tank i mess around with it<jusst poke it lightly> and is hides in the tube , is it a feather duster?it is reallly small
I am sure its a feather duster if it looks like a feather duster. I got several of them on my live rock. They have doubled/tripled in size since I got them about a month ago. Though I would recommend not poking at them with the net anymore, as it may stress them to the point where they'll pop their crown. It would grow back, but no sense in needlessly stressing them
Yes they do hide or withdraw into their tubes. Be very careful. I recently moved mine to a bigger aquarium and he popped his crown. It has been a week and no sign of a new crown yet. Will continue to watch him.