Feather Duster


I just got a feather duster who looks like he (do they have gender) is doing well. I can't get him to attach to a rock though. When I but him on one he says for a short time but then falls onto the CC on his side.
At the LFS he was attached very well (took some effort to get him off).
What can I do to help get him in an upright position so he can attach?


Put it some where, where it cant fall down, wait a day or two, if its a good place for it, it will atach to the rock immediately


Active Member
just put it in, it will move to wherever it wants, before it attaches itself. they often do this, esp if they do not like it where they are put. more than likely it is not falling, but moving voluntarily.
moderate lighting and current. not strong or weak, but moderate, is generally their preferred areas.


Active Member
i put mine under the filter and just placed it on a rock. i put it so that it was lying down so that it wouldn't fall or anything na dhe hasn't moved. try that.