Feather Duster


I was looking over my live rock today after placing in the new cleaning crew and noticed what appeared to be a feather duster. It was only about 1 cm wide and transparent/white in color? When i moved in to get a closer look it quickly retreated back. Could this be a hitchhiking feather duster? If so will it spread? The tank is only about a month old and just completed the cycle.
Thanks for any input,


Active Member
I remember the first time that I saw feather duster growing on my live rock. I was so pleased. :D I had never had LR in a tank before, and I was excited to see that I had some neat stuff growing out of it.


the dusters will spread like wildfire with time.. they are broadcast spawners so you will see them pop up all over the place. they are a good sign that your reef can support filter feeders well. really neat to have!