Feather Dusters?


Just got my tank up and running (no fish yet, it hasn't finished cycling.) I realize I'm not ready for corals yet, since I'm new to the hobby; however, I was thinking maybe feather dusters, for some sort of life? Has anyone new to the hobby had good luck with them? I have a 55gal, and I want to add 20-40# of live rock when the tank is well established, and I wanted to add a few inverts. Thanks everyone :)


Active Member
feather dusters are great and easy to care for, but i would not add ANYTHING before you complete the cycle


Oh nono, I wouldn't add anything before I finish cycling. :) I've figured that much out. One more question for you all while I'm thinking about it. Live Rock. I would greatly prefer pre-cured. It's a little more expensive but worth it I think. Have any of you ordered pre-cured live rock online, and if so, were you satisfied with the price/quality?


Active Member
i have and yes i was, only if you intend to add it to an aquarium be prepared for hte fact that often there is die off in shipping which MAY cause an ammonia spike, so i would either add before any fish, and wait a week incase, OR i would re cure it in a seperate container
HTH and good luck


Active Member
no prob, and
no i have not, but i can tell you i have talked to many others who have and have not, and i must say thaat i would not be affraid to, i have heard nothing bad at all about their rock, and the prices are more than reasonable
i would highly recommend some feather dusters. it is my favorite addition to my tank. like said prior, wait until you are done cycling to add feather dusters.
I ordered my LR from SWF.com and was more than pleased with the quality. It is much nicer than anything available at my LFS and at a better price. I ordered the LR and put it in to help cycle my tank...the cycle finished sooner. Don't understand why you are waiting to add it after the cycle. Anyone want to comment on this?
I am picking up pieces at the LFS with mushrooms and such one piece at a time now. Also have gotten some nice pre-cured rock that was brought to the LFS by someone breaking down a tank due to moving. It came into the store, while I was there, in buckets and they sold it for less than what they retail their rock for, right from the buckets. 100 lbs was gone in less than 30 minutes. I was just lucky that day. Makes me want to spend my Saturday afternoons at the LFS more often.
Peolpe who have ordered from other sites have reported problems with mantis shrimp in the LR. You can find those posts in the archives. I think this is good reading before you purchase.
Good luck with your tank, this is a great hobby.


I ordered from this site and I was more than satisfied with the quality. It already has grown more coraline algae and I would say at least half of it is covered with it.