Feather Dusters


I just got my order today from saltwater.com! It was a clean up crew. I love it. Everything so far looks so great! BUT-I bought three feather dusters and, like an idiot, I had no idea what they were. So, do I have to do anything special I should know about for them? They are not on any rock or anything they are just on the sand. Will they move to were they want to be or should I move them? Do they eat anything special that I have to have. They have only been in the tank a few hours. They are sticking out and then going back in. Any advice is great!!!! Thanks!


probably place them where ther is not too stroung a current; iether in substrate or on your LR; you could supplement feed them DT's phytoplankton about every few days; depending on the size of your tank, filtration (if any) used, & skimming power; you may have to turn things off for short period of time when feeding DT's...


Thanks! I put them on the lr, but the sallylight foot was bugging one of them. Is that a bad thing. It isn't anymore for the moment. Thanks again.
I found holes in the rock close to the size of their stem and stuck them in the rock so they were standing up. If they like the location they will attach. They are filter feeders so you will need to dose with some type of phytoplankton. I used DT's for a while...has to be refrigerated now I use Kents Phytoplex and I like it better.
My last order from SWF.com was a u-build-it and I ordered the duster cluster with no picture available so I had no idea what it would be...I love it. Take a look on my web site to see what it looks like...in my pictures for this month.