feather star


Active Member
:cheer: wow... i am so happy that my feather star has been alive for so long. when i first got him people told me that it was impossible to take care of. i have had it for about 4 months. so for all the people who said i couldnt keep it .............. i guess ur wrong. i will try to put up some pictures later. :cheer:


Active Member

Originally Posted by connor
could you please post a pic i have never seen one before

well as soon as get a digital camera. ill sacan a picture from a disposable cam for u. asap


4 months doesnt seem like a timeframe to consider it a success. Just means its gettting enough food not to outright wither from starvation. Not saying you wont be successful, if you still have it in say 12 or 18 months, then Id raise the victory flag.