featherduster and clam problems help please


New Member
bouhgt a featherduster and a clam 2 weeks ago and the clam got ate the featherduster had the feathers tore off thought my 6line wrasse was eating them cause i saw him eat the clam and pull on feathers so i gave him to a freind got another clam and featherduster yesterday came home feathers gone worm still in the tube dont know what happened 95 gal 760watts of light 4 65 watt actininc and 2 250w halide 1lawnmower blenny 2bangaii cardnial 1 mandarin 1 blue hippotang 1yellow tang 1 diamond goby skunk shrimp bloodredshrimp peppermint shrimp blue and red legged hermit crabs shrimp emerald crabs 2sand serpant star


Active Member
6-lines are supposed to be reef safe, and i have never heard of them eating clams, but have heard of fish aggression. i have one in my 55 with a crocea and feather dusters and he hasnt touched them. how are your water parameters?


New Member
there all fine and gave six line away but featherduster had feathers riped off again dont know whats causing it