Feathur Duster Health


New Member
I recently received a feather duster from this site. I am wondering how you tell if it doing well or not? It opens and closes during the day. But, lately when it opens the feathers don't really hold thier bowl type shape. They seem to fan out more in all directions. I am feeding it Phydoplankten every other day. Is this behavior normal?


Is it in a strong current? That might cause it to blow in all directions. I always thought they should be in the bowl shape though.
Hi bdac, feather dusters are very hardy, my brown one has been yanked out of his tube by our late undulated trigger[ went back to store, but I did like him] picked it up and pushed it back in still ok, are purple one got one odd shaped feather but its ok. You can put them anywhere in your tank and they will do great , any light any current, thats why these are great for begginers and experts, But I tell you what, they are really ugly out of there tube,,,cya :)


Mine had done that once before when it "shed" its feathers. It took a litte while, but new ones grew back. Or it may just be the current. They are really hardy, and yes ugly out of their tubes.