Fed up and confused.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Everywhere I turn the media is spewing the wild fires in California are the result of global warming/climat change.
Can someone give me some factual scientific evidence to back this up.
Seems lately everything is blamed on climate change.....the loaf I left in the toilet was 6 inches longer than usual...must have been climate change.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Everywhere I turn the media is spewing the wild fires in California are the result of global warming/climat change.
Can someone give me some factual scientific evidence to back this up.
Seems lately everything is blamed on climate change.....the loaf I left in the toilet was 6 inches longer than usual...must have been climate change.


id acutally blame in on drought...lol, scientifically, it would have nothing to do w/ global warming...we are just overusing water and it can be explained w/ a simple equation
drought(dry foliage)+spark=FIRE
everyones mind is on global warming atm because of al gore.


their global warming thing is that if global warming wasnt happening there wouldnt have been a drought causeing the dry foilage and creating a wildfire chance from happening in the first place.
I agree though that global warming may have had a hand in making things prefect for the wildfires but I dont agree in the way they portray global warming in general.


Active Member
Im mean really who knows if it is global warming or just a cycle the earth is going threw.We have only been keeping record for a 100 yrs in earth years that a spec of it life befor that and what has happened befor they started taking records.


I'm not on the Global Warming kick, but I must admit there's something going on in this world as far as climate changes go. Take the following for instance:
Artic Cap melting at a rate whereby the polar bears are having an issue surviving.
The Northwest Passage has lost enough ice for the first time in its history to allow boating traffic completely through.
Southeast US (Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Etc.) has been on one of the longest droughts in history. Communities in Tennessee have lost all water sources, lakes have evaporated, and they have to truck water in just to have it.
New England foliage colors are changing much faster this year. Instead of the gradual color change, it's going from green to a dark musty brown, missing the bright orange, yellow, and red colors normally seen. They state even those colors seems duller than years before.
So is this the result of global warming? Who knows. But something has defintely changed. Not necessarily scientific proof, but if it's happening, and people can validate it, it sounds like sufficient proof to me.


Active Member
Correct me if I'm wrong, but dont they get these wildfires in California every year? I mean, it would be horrible to lose your home to them but it's not like these people dont know that area is prone to them. To me, that is like living in the Carolina's and being surprised when you get hit with a hurricane. It's just something you know you might have to face....


yeah I agree there is something going on. I dont know if its how the sci comunity says though. there was a program on called the little ice age a few days ago and was very interesting.
from my understanding the sci community says an ice age clears the atmosphere of the warming gasses etc.. well in the little ice age that ended in 1860. they say that ice ages are a 8200 year event. even their own graphs show there have been ice ages off and on throughout history. my question is what caused it way back when they were nomads roaming the coutryside. it wasnt green house gasses.
when they sci community shows data from 100;s of years ago its way up and then down then up and then down again. to me a laman thats shows it a continuing event that happens with or with out influence. just my 2 cents. LOL
i still a bad deal no matter what the cause of the fires though. to me its like blaming a car crash on one side of town on a stop light being out on the other side of town. it just doesnt make sense.


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Everywhere I turn the media is spewing the wild fires in California are the result of global warming/climat change.
Can someone give me some factual scientific evidence to back this up.
Seems lately everything is blamed on climate change.....the loaf I left in the toilet was 6 inches longer than usual...must have been climate change.
We've only been keeping temperature records since the late 19th century. There is no question the climate is warming up, according to the records we have. The debate is whether or not this is a naturally occurring event (like the ice age's) or whether we, human beings, are completely responsible for the global warming which will soon end all life as we know it. Certain recent Nobel Peace Prize Winners would have you believe the later. Some folks want you to believe this is a pandemic. Anyone remember hearing something about Bird Flu about a year ago? That was supposed to wipe out an eighth of the population or so.......Hmmmmm.


Active Member
What the Al Gore doesn't talk about is how large the southern ice cap has grown....
While the SE and California may be having a drought, those of us in Texas this year had record rainfalls. I don't think it hit 100 degrees once here.
15 years ago El Nino was to blame for everything. Then La Nina came along to take the blame. Now it's "globabl warming".


Active Member
Speaking of the fires in California...
I'll just say that I'll pray for those effected...
Now back to the regularly scheduled political rants....

coral keeper

Active Member
My guess on how the fires were made is that someone that was smoking threw the cigarette out of the car window on the grass and making a fire or someone who lite the fire on purpose. Fires are always being made my the people that smoke because they just throw the cigarette out the car window.


not in these cases one of them was set with an exclerant like gas in atleast 2 different spots according to the news. another was set by a power line that was blown down by the strong winds. sense the winds are so strong the fire can spread by leaps and bounds hence the so many different fires in so many areas. the ambers are can just fly in the wind till they land creating another fire.


Active Member
global warming = wagging the dog.
weather is always weird, there are forest fires every year, the earths' climate moves in cycles - with or without human intervention. we aren't exactly helping things, but we are not soley responsible for melting the polar ice caps.
Washington wants you to get upset about the weather so you don't take a closer look at what's going on in the whitehouse. Typical.


Active Member
i was just watching the news and a police department in california shot a guy who was caught starting a fire or soemthing like that. sorry for being so vague, but thats what i got out of it.
as for the global warming. global warming is part of the earths natural cycles. we know we experience ice ages (thats how LI got here), and global warming IMO is what happens prior to an ice age. global warming causes increased evaporation, which in turn causes more clouds. as a result of the increased cloud coverage, the earths temperature starts to drop, and we go into an ice age. of course this happens over a very long period of time, like millions of years. not overnight.

salty blues

Active Member
I'm certainly not convinced of anything concerning the global warming debate. I do however firmly believe that humankind chooses to live in some areas that are just plain dangerous and prone to disasters.(socal, new orleans, coastal areas, etc.)


Active Member
Who do we have to thank for keeping the first records on global warming 450 bazillion years ago?
Oh yeah...nobody!
I think it's a little funny how we presume to know what took place before written record. I agree that geology and archeology/archaeology has given clues to the earths past, but do we really know that any of this actually occured?


its from the ice cores on the caps. with sheets layers of new ice and all that good stuff LOL its open to interpratation though but it just shows on the graph thay even thier ideas dont look like what they say to the layman I mean come on they say its a gradual increase and release a graph that up and down according to what they have found. go figure LOL