Feed the little guy


Active Member
I gave my little eel a silver fish this evening, little guy inhailed it. I left a piece out side his hole in hopes he woud comeout and finish it, that way i could get a better picture of him, but I think he's on to my plot.......he keeps tearing pieces off and is slowing slucking it down. :happyfish


if you want to see him eat outside his cave just use a feeding stick and give him on at the entrance of his cave, then another a little further, then raise it up a little and ovetime he will recognize the stick as food and you can feed him at the surface of the tank
And also if he is 8"? i think u said then he can prob put down (about) 3-4 at a time about every day - every other day.


Active Member
The little guy is just pushing 6 inches. He finished most of the 2nd silver during the night. :happyfish


Active Member
So how is too much? He finished most of the 2nd silver today. How long will that keep the little guy's tummy full?
The tank is pretty new 4mths old so I don't wanna over whelm the cleaning crew :notsure:


I dont kno what u mean by finished today? if u had to leave it in the tank overnight for him to finish it then that would be to much. what sized silversides are u feeding him? as for how much it depends on how quickly he takes and eats it. my 17"er would down about 5 - 10, .5" greenbacks, 2 scallops and a half a tiger shrimp every 2 - 3 days (give or take). He lived for a year and seemed to be doing quite well till he jumped ship,...

also how much you feed him can speed up how fast he grows. Just use your best judgement!


Active Member
well, last night I feed him a 1" silver. The little guy wolfed it down. So I offered him another(about the same size), he didn't snarf it like the first one but continued through the night and finished by this evening. So I would guess that one would be just fine.


Active Member
I was trying to get him to come out so I could get a pic of him. I think the littel gu was onto me though. He would poke his head out take a chomp out of the fish and pull what he could back into his hole. Bye end of the day(yesterday) the silver was gone.


Active Member
I bought a really cool sunken ship from pet smart today. I;m going to remove a lot of live rock from his tank so I can find the little guy. The sunken ship has a hole in the hull for hidding in. That way I'll know exactly where the little guy is, and it will be easier to feed him.