Feedback needed on fish list


IMO I've done a lot of research and have come up with a list of possibles for my tank. I'm not going to run out and buy them all or all at once. I want as much feedback from ya'll as I can get!
I have a 37g tank, Eclipse biowheel, 12-15lbs base rock, 25lbs LR, 40lbs sand, Prizm skimmer, powerhead. I'd like to do reef in the future, so I kept this in mind as I chose the fish.
:thinking: These are the fish I like...
Pigmy angel
Coral Beauty angel
Flame Hawkfish
Lawnmower Blenny
Diamond Goby
Purple Pseudochromis
I also like the Wrasse, but really don't have a particular one in mind.
I already have a clown.
According to SWF, these are all easy, reef safe, and singly not too big for my tank. Obviously, as with most newbies, I'd like as much color and movement as possible in the tank, and I want them to inhabit different areas (ie. top/bottom), but I don't plan on trying to cram them all in!
If you were in my position, what would you go with and why? Are there any fish not on this list you'd highly recommend, or fish choice here you'd highly recommend I scratch off my list, and again, why?
My main goal is to have a successful tank with as few screw-ups as possible. Ultimately, in time, I'd like for it to be so succesful, stress-reducing, and awsome that my DH comes in one day and says "Wow! I think I want a bigger tank so we can have MORE beautiful fish!"


Active Member
in that size tank i would not go with any more then 4 of those fish including your clown. if you want an angel pick one. do you want shrimp. then dnt pick the flame hawk. The Purple Pseudochromis may be mean in a small tank.
so my picks would be
pigmy angel or the flame
lmb or the diam goby
then either a royal gramma (much nicer to other fish) or a whip fin or filiment wrasse (both small fairy wrasses)
then if you wanted another get something really small like a clown gobie or a neon gobie


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
in that size tank i would not go with any more then 4 of those fish including your clown. if you want an angel pick one. do you want shrimp. then dnt pick the flame hawk. The Purple Pseudochromis may be mean in a small tank.
so my picks would be
pigmy angel or the flame
lmb or the diam goby
then either a royal gramma (much nicer to other fish) or a whip fin or filiment wrasse (both small fairy wrasses)
then if you wanted another get something really small like a clown gobie or a neon gobie
i second this. get a neon gobie if you get an angelfish. great relationship and fun to watch. my pic may be hard to see but my neon is cleaning my Potter


Active Member
I've heard that clows are happier in pairs (but I'm not certain) so I'd ask around and see if that's true and maybe look into getting a second clown. As for the rest of the fish, I don't know enough about them to make a judgement.


Active Member
Single clowns are fine in a tank, no need for 2. If you do want 2, put them in the tank at the same time to avoid fighting, 1 should be larger then the other, and hopefully they will become a mated pair, but thats not always the case. Make sure you put same spiecies , do not mix clowns.