Feedback Part 2


I posted earlier about our tank. Here are some shots of the overall set up and a better picture of the Frogspawn, which we think could be happier.
Any input you have is appreciated!



You have a nice looking tank, looks like you need to add a little more livestock to it and color it up a little.


Thank you! Would like more livestock, but the 7 Damsels will probably kill anything we put in there now. That's how we wound up with 7, we were down to two we could not catch w/o taking out the LR, so we threw another 5 in to see what would happen. WOuldn't you know they've been find for almost a month now??
Any suggestions?
Also - woke up this morning to find out Frogspawn head down in the sand. :( Now it's really not happy!!


Thats too bad about your frogspawn. But one head out of five isnt that bad.

I would recomend a clean up crew for that pesky hair algae. But other than that looks good~!!!


Originally Posted by Mr.125
Thats too bad about your frogspawn. But one head out of five isnt that bad.

I would recomend a clean up crew for that pesky hair algae. But other than that looks good~!!!

Got any suggestions on the clean up crew for the hair algea? The red legged and blue legged hermits, the snails and the emerald green crabs all ignore it.