Feeder fish


I thought I had read on this board before that it is not good to feed your marine aggressives fresh water feeder. If this is true can someone tell me why?


there is a nice article on the web where someone examined the fat content and nutritional content of FW feeder carp (goldfish, rosey red, etc).
Bottomline, FW feeders are high in fats and low/missing in essentially nutrients required for marine fish...make sense.
While FW feeders are good for Fw fish they aren't great for SW fish and have been acssociated w/ a number of ailments in Sw fish. If you gotta use FW feeders then stick w/ ghost shrimp they are the lesser of the evils.
Most marine fish can be weaned onto dead prepared marine based foods, and i would recommend thats what you do


Thanks everyone, THat is what I thought I remembered reading. I just recently started a partitime job at a LFS to help support my addictions (Discounts:happy: ) They have a deecent Marine fish setup but everyone that works there is lacking the knowledge. I tried to tell them that it was not healthy to use FW feeders and they told me I was crazy. I have reef tanks and have never kept aggrersives so that is where most of my experience is. I am printing this and taking it to work and tell them told you so.


If I dont have access to live shrimp or nightcrawlers for my Frogfish Then I will feed feeders its not a everyday thing he wont eat anything but live. Feeders are a last resort for my fish even my triggers and my scorpion they are on a Krill and shrimp diet.


Active Member
for those few who ahve to use feeders, try damsels
or another inexpensive sw fish. BUT NOT fw feeders.
that is like feeding your kids an ice cream diet. It is ok for a rare treat but not for the main meal or for all meals.