feeding 15in snowflake

clown jr

our sfe has gotten big, 15in and is beginning to eat a lot of food and often. hes goin on silversides mostly with some krill, but at feeding time, he sometimes comes out frantically looking at our fish and scaring the shrimp to death until he gets a lot of food.
what do you guys feed a sfe, how much, how often???
thanks :)
My SFE is almost 24" long. He gets feed a combo of scallops, shrimp ,clam, and regular old krill. I have stick feed mine since he was about 12" long. Just go to a place that you trust that has fresh seafood , you don't need to buy alot just enough to get you thru a week or two. I feed him once every other day.
I would be getting that shrimp out of there, that could be an expensive meal for a morray.


Active Member
Feed mine every other day. Shrimp, krill, squid, octupus. Although has been on strike since I moved him to a bigger tank.

clown jr

right but how much? i know there is no specific amount but ballpark? he seems content with 2 silversides but then is hungry the next day and im sure hed eat six silversides if i gave em.


I have found that if you use a feeding stick that helps keep them more calm, they don't go crazzy looking for food.
My zebra is 36" and I feed him tiger prawns and squid from the grocery store. He eats the equivalent of two large tiger prawns every other day. I have two 12" green eels in the same tank as the zebra and they eat one large tiger prawn cut in pieces every two days. It seems that a sne would be similar


Mine is about 13". I feed him Krill, squid and shrimp. About the size of popcorn shrimp. I only feed every 3 days.


You can get feeding tongs from LFS or a wooden shish ka bob skewer will work well.:)