feeding a brain...

What is the best way to feed a brain? I have used a turkey baster to feed it DT's, and brine shrimp. Is this good, do they eat DT's?
I have heard silversides, and krill. So far, Ive tried krill and all that happens is the krill sits on top of the brain for a few minutes then it eventually falls off.
Ive also heard feeding them at night, is this true? Mine doesnt seem to be "open" at night.


What type of brain is it? I have an open brain and a true brain...both require different methods in my tank. The open brain will close up and inflate itself when it is fed however it is a VERY slow process so I cut a gatorade bottle top off and put it over the brain when I feed it, that way the rest of the inhabitants don't steal the food, and it can eat at its own pace. The true brain eats more from the water column, it has all its tentacles out at night and catches floating food. Hope this helps..

blue dew

I have an Open Brain that I feed pieces of shrimp, mussel or squid. I just chop it up into small pieces and put it on the end of a long bamboo skewer. I can then place it gently into the brains feeder tentacles and it will grab the food. Just have to have the food barely on the skewer.
I also have to feed my 2 cleaner shrimp a piece first, otherwise they will steal the food.